Guide to Puppy Care from Our San Jose, CA, Animal Clinic
Preparing to bring home a new puppy is an exciting journey, but before you can dive into the fun, there are a few things you need to do. Our team at Willow Glen Pet Hospital in San Jose, CA, put together this quick guide to help.

Prepare Your Home
Puppies are a lot like children. If there is something to get into, they’ll find it. And let’s face it: adorable puppies aren’t so adorable when they’re chewing on your favorite pair of shoes.
Though you might not be able to keep everything away from them, you can limit what they’re exposed to. In addition to putting away shoes, kids’ toys, and other items you don’t want to be chewed up, be sure to lock away any chemicals and hide cords. Getting gates to block off unsafe areas can help, too.
Make a Supply Run
You don’t want to bring your puppy home without the supplies they need. At a minimum, you’ll need food as well as food and water bowls. Other items to buy include shampoo, grooming supplies, bedding, toys (to further discourage chewing on your stuff), a collar, and a leash.
Set Proper Expectations from the Start
Many people let their new pets roam free when they first bring them home and then change the rules later. Unfortunately, this can be confusing. If you allow your puppy to lounge on your furniture in the beginning, they’ll become accustomed to it.
Instead, follow your rules from the start. Keep them off the furniture, have them sleep in their bed instead of yours, and so on.
Visit Your Veterinarian
It’s wise to have a veterinarian chosen before you bring your new puppy home so that you have plenty of time to research local pet care providers. As soon as you have your puppy, set up your first pet care appointment.
During this appointment, they’ll not only receive a check-up but any pet vaccinations they need. These pet vaccinations are essential for their health and wellbeing, as they protect them from potentially fatal illnesses and diseases, including but not limited to:
- Canine hepatitis
- Canine distemper
- Heartworm
- Coronavirus
- Kennel cough
- Leptospirosis
- Parvovirus
- Rabies
- Bordetella
Not all puppies need every vaccination, as some depend on where you live. Your veterinarian will provide the ones that your pet needs and discuss any optional ones with you. Pet care appointments also provide your veterinarian with the chance to screen for any potential health issues and provide recommendations for optimal pet care.
Schedule Your Pet Care Appointment at Your San Jose, CA, Animal Clinic
At Willow Glen Pet Hospital, we’re proud to provide quality care to every furry friend that walks through our door. Schedule your appointment today by calling (669) 342-7472.