Dog receiving care and attention at the veterinarian's clinic, preparing for surgery.

As a pet owner, knowing that your pet needs surgery can be difficult. Despite your stress, it is still important to prepare your pet for surgery so the procedure goes as smoothly as possible. At Willow Glen Pet Hospital in San Jose, CA, we offer the best surgical attention for your pet to ease your worries. Our veterinarians are skilled and can provide any veterinary care your pet needs.

Here are some preparations you can make to help your pet before surgery.

Pre-Surgery Care

Before surgery, it is important to take the necessary steps to keep your pet safe before a procedure. Here is what our veterinary team recommends.

1. Liquid or Fluid Therapy

Pet surgery requires that your pet is hydrated. Hydration keeps the vital organs healthy when in surgery and helps regulate the pet’s blood pressure. It is important to keep giving your pet fluids a day before the scheduled surgery.

2. Consult with Our Vet

It is important to understand the procedure before your pet undergoes surgery. Our team will walk you through this. We will also guide you on what you need to do for your pet after surgery. We may provide you with a cone to prevent licking, pain medications, or topical medications. It’s important to be prepared to give your pet thorough post-operative care.

3. Pet Fasting

Pet surgery is conducted on an empty stomach. Before the surgery, your pet should not consume any meals. Pet fasting prevents any fatal reaction to the sedative or anesthesia given before the surgery. As a pet owner, you should help your pet from eating by keeping the pet distracted or hiding any food. This will ensure that your pet stays safe and healthy during surgery.

4. Maintain Hygiene

Bathing your pet is crucial before the surgery. Pets have a thick layer of fur that traps a lot of dirt if not washed well. Washing your pet enables our veterinarian to have access to the area the surgery is scheduled on quickly. Bathing your pet is also essential before surgery because your pet cannot be washed after the surgery because of the wound.

Schedule Your Pet’s Appointment

If your pet needs surgery, we can help you prepare. At Willow Glen Pet Hospital in San Jose, CA, our team will guide you on how to prepare your pet before surgery, and what to do after. We want to give you peace of mind and can ensure you that your pet is safe. Our goal is to help your pets live long, healthy lives. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call us today.

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